In late 1915, a group of Niverville men met to discuss forming a fire dept. to protect their community. On Jan. 6, 1916, the men met at the Niverville School to formally organize the fire dept. These people attending are considered the charter members of the Niverville Fire Dept. (NFD). The members of the newly formed NFD had a fund drive right away that raised $340. NFD was incorporated on January 17, 1916. Prior to 1916 NFD used to have an organized fire dept. that used bucket brigades and hand-pulled fire engines, along with horse drawn fire engines. The entire community would help put out fires.
It is the mission of the Niverville Fire Dept. to protect the lives and property of the citizens of the Niverville Fire District, and our mutual aid response areas through fire suppression, fire protection, rescue services, emergency management, and other public safety programs against all hazards, be they natural or man-made. We shall conduct or when necessary assist other emergency services agencies in a subordinate role for hazardous materials mitigation, ice and water rescue, search & rescue, emergency evacuations and emergency medical services assistance.